We are dedicated to equal opportunities, we value diversity, and we aim to promote and reward team spirit. Respect is the cement of our multicultural group. We provide our members with the opportunity to achieve their goals by exalting professionalism and promoting professional education.


Where have the last six years gone? I find myself at the end of my time as Editor of Imaging & Oncology, with the 2024 edition being my last one.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the role, and I have met some fantastic people and been able to read some excellent articles. I hope that whoever takes over this role enjoys it as much as I did.  

I want to say a personal thank you to Colin Cooper (editorial director at Wonderly), Alex Ballinger (deputy editor at Wonderly) and Charlotte Beardmore (SoR's executive director for professional policy) for their continuing support and guidance for me as editor.  Thank you also to all the authors who have contributed to this edition.

The different levels of practice feature in this edition with a discussion piece from Richard Griffin, Penny Owens and Sue Johnson about the support workforce and assistant practitioners and then an outline of the enhanced practitioner role from Melanie Clarkson, Kerry Mills and Beverly Snaith.  Tied in with these levels of practice and the different job roles within our professions, Holly Spencer provides some reflections on the implementation of the College of Radiographers 2022 Education and Career Framework.

Demelza Green and Christine Heales have provided an update on radiographer degree apprenticeships and Yat Tsang has offered an insight into his move to Canada, outlining the differences in radiotherapy between the UK and Canada from his own perspective in his new role in Toronto. 

Considering high quality patient care and safety we have a recorded discussion from Nicola Hancock and colleagues about their vision for quality improvement and an article from Tacha Clark and others provides an informative overview of The Patient Safety Incident Report Framework.

Along similar lines, Sarah Cobb reflects on the guidelines for suspected physical abuse and how there is disparity between departments.       

In looking forward, Heather Venables provides us with her vision for the future for sonographers.

As always, in Imaging & Oncology we focus on our service users and their experiences.  Lesley Smith gives an insight into pelvic radiation disease and Cheryl Cruwys educates us about dense breast imaging.  

I hope that you will all find something to reflect on and to take away for your own practice, happy reading.

Best wishes

Prof Ruth Strudwick


Prof Ruth Strudwick | Editor, Imaging & Oncology

Prof Ruth Strudwick | Editor, Imaging & Oncology

Presidential foreword

It is with immense pleasure as president of the Society and College of Radiographers that I commend to you the 2024 issue of Imaging & Oncology, an illustrious publication filled with contributions from your professional and industrious peers.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my year as your president, at the start of which I made it my aim to get out and meet as many of you as possible. I believe I have done that, and I see many of the issues that have been raised along the way in the pages of this publication.

Apprenticeships are likely to be a major part of the workforce solution for radiography going forwards and are proving a success across the country. Alongside that the future of sonography, especially professional registration, the dissemination of the Education and Career Framework and a new focus on enhanced practice will provide guidance to colleagues across the UK.

As I have highlighted on many occasions I believe all radiographers, both diagnostic and therapeutic, to be superheroes, not only fulfilling clinical services in the most challenging of circumstances but going above and beyond that by establishing and sharing new ways of working.

Moving forwards, I believe that working together will be key to our continued achievement, and we must continue to embed inquiry and investigation into our practice. The political landscape is uncertain and with the announcement of a general election is likely to be thrown into more chaos. The writers featured in these pages are just a part of how we must demonstrate that radiographers are a key part of any national health service, driving forward learning and development that will impact policy and provision.

Sustainability, diversity, collaboration and patient-centred care are all part of our future. I hope you enjoy reading this edition as much as I have and allow it to positively influence your own endeavours.

Dave Pilborough

President, Society and College of Radiographers

Dave Pilborough | President, Society and College of Radiographers

Dave Pilborough | President, Society and College of Radiographers



Editor Prof Ruth Strudwick
Deputy Editor Alex Ballinger
Junior Designer Holly Bulbrook

Editor in chief
Robert Jeffery
Advertising and sponsorship
Chris Gault
+44 (0)20 8267 5864

Published by
Bridge House, 69 London Road,
Twickenham TW1 3SP
Tel +44 (0)20 8267 5249

Imaging & Oncology is a publication of
The Society and College of Radiographers,
207 Providence Square,
Mill Street, London SE1 2EW
Tel +44 (0)20 7740 7200 www.sor.org

All correspondence relating to Imaging & Oncology should be addressed to IOEditor@sor.org

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For previous editions of Imaging & Oncology, visit www.sor.org/imaging-oncology