Your membership
The benefits of SoR membership
The Society of Radiographers is the only organisation that truly represents the interests of everyone working in clinical imaging, radiotherapy and oncology.
We welcome the whole radiographic workforce: radiographers, advanced or assistant practitioners, sonographers, radiographic assistants and our lovely student radiographers.
There are great advantages to being a member – the benefits are accessible only to Society members and many are not available from any other union or professional body.
What are the benefits?
Accredited representatives in the workplace
The Society has a network of more than 1,000 representatives, who look after your interests in the workplace. They will advise and provide representation to Society members on:
• Pay and conditions of service.
• Contracts of employment.
• Grievance and disciplinary issues.
• Health and safety rights.
• Terms and conditions.
Access to our downloadable policy and professional guidance document library
All policy, guidance and advice published by the Society and College of Radiographers can be found in this library. It includes:
• The Code of Professional Conduct, which contains advice relevant to patient care, communication, what it is to be a professional and how and why professionalism is so vital.
• The Education and Career Framework for the Radiography Workforce, which defines outcomes for the whole workforce and how progression might be achieved.
• The Scope of Practice 2013, which defines the scope of practice for the professional workforce for diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy.
Professional indemnity insurance (PII)
• Only the Society provides indemnity insurance specifically covering the entire radiography scope of practice as a benefit of membership. The policy includes £5m of personal cover to protect you in the event of a claim of negligence.
• The SoR PII scheme only applies where there is a contract of employment in place, however, we can still offer advice to members requiring personal PII.
Eligible claimants need to have held membership both at the time of an incident and of a claim. Members must also be working within their Scope of Practice and in accordance with the College Code of Professional Conduct.
Professional magazines, specialist journals and monthly e-zines
We keep our members up to date with a range of professional magazines, specialist journals, daily news articles and monthly e-zines:
Our members have access to our quarterly international e-journal, which promotes evidence-based practice by disseminating high-quality clinical, scientific and educational research relating to all aspects of diagnostic and therapeutic radiography.
• Radiography is one of the longest established and most widely respected peer-reviewed publications in the field worldwide.
• Members receive a printed annual highlights special edition.
Our monthly professional magazine, now available in a digital-first, mobile format, provides a lively mix of what’s happening in radiography and the wider healthcare arena. As well as covering hot topics – such as educational developments, career progression, pay and conditions, research, CPD guidance, health and safety and equality issues – we also take pride in interviewing, celebrating and getting to know our members.
Insight is our quarterly research and CPD magazine that acts as a gateway publication for new and developing radiography authors. It focuses on the practical application of new ideas to inspire clinical practice, while encouraging role development and highlighting advanced practice. Find out more at www.sor.org/insightauthor
Imaging & Oncology
Imaging & Oncology is an annual thought-leadership title published to coincide with the UK Imaging and Oncology Congress (UKIO).
Access to a range of bursaries, research grants, awards and prizes
In addition to the research grants and learning funds you can apply for, the Society and College of Radiographers make a number of awards each year. Becoming a member means you will have access to:
• The Rep of the Year Award.
• The SoR Reps’ Learning Fund.
• The Overseas Placement Fund.
• The Radiography Awards (which include UK Team of the Year, Student Radiographer of the Year and many more).
• The UKIO Attendance Grant.
• The CoR Industry Partnership Scheme (CoRIPS) research grants and student research awards.
• The CoR Legacy Fund.
• The CoR Doctoral Fellowship Grant.
The free CPD Now tool to help you build your CPD portfolio
Developed by the Society, CPD Now is available to members only through the CPD page on the SoR website. Our tool makes it easy for you to plan and record your own development activities. CPD Now will also produce portfolio evidence for the Health and Care Professions Council easily and quickly, as and when required.
Click here to better understand why CPD is important to the profession and how to meet the HCPC standards.
Please note:
Terms and conditions apply, benefits are subject to change at any time.
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