
'Political incompetence threatens CDCs'

Dean Rogers, Industrial Relations Rep

Dean Rogers, SoR executive director for industrial strategy

Dean Rogers, SoR executive director for industrial strategy

The Society of Radiographers is an active supporter of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Diagnostics and welcomes the findings of its timely, independent report on the implementation of Community Diagnostic Centres. 

The SoR has supported the Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) concept since it was proposed in the Richards Report in 2020. We have sought to engage positively with the programme at every available opportunity and continue to do so. Our experience in doing so informs our concerns about the programme rollout, which are echoed and amplified in the APPG report.   

We continue to believe that the community centred model presents the right answers to increasing accessibility to early diagnosis in the community, away from acute settings. Sir Mike Richards’ Report presented a compelling argument why this was the right thing to do. It also set out clearly the additional investment needed for its successful strategic implementation. 

 The SoR has been raising exactly these concerns throughout the rollout of the project
– Dean Rogers

The model requires expanded diagnostic services to be delivered: 

  • In the right places, accessible to the community and away from acute settings 
  • Using the right modern equipment 
  • Supported by the right systems and digital connectivity to maximise the efficiencies presented by modern reporting systems; and most critically 
  • The right numbers of staff, with the right skills mix. Sir Mike recommended the successful implementation of his report would be reliant upon: 
    · 2,000 additional radiologists
    · 4,000 additional radiographers
    · Including a 50 per cent increase in the number of advanced practice radiographers who could undertake reporting 
    · An expansion of the assistant practitioner role; and 
    · Additional support staff and other 'navigational' roles 

The APPG report shows these strategic requirements are not in place. Not surprisingly, it is therefore failing to meet the expectations and potential of the programme. The APPG report highlights that: 

  • Too few centres are or will be in the right places. Too few CDCs are in the communities intended
  • Progress with improving digital connectivity and integrated systems management is hampering efforts to meet the programme's potential
  • The radiography staffing crisis and rollout of the programme without the additional required staff means the programme is failing

The SoR has been raising exactly these concerns throughout the rollout of the project. There is now a significant danger that this good idea will be sunk by political incompetence. The APPG should prompt an intervention to save the programme from itself. 

In particular, it is worth repeating that the project has been rolled out without any specific allocation of additional funds for increased staffing and/or training – with the exception of some funding to recruit 400 radiographers from abroad, just a tenth of the number identified as being needed. It is as if the government has forgotten about the staff. 

Instead of thousands of extra professionals the government has pushed the project forward within existing staffing levels. This is fuelling the recruitment and retention crisis across radiography. Instead of the CDC programme being a source of optimism, investment and hope for radiography it is fuelling despondency and lowering morale, with CDCs adding to demands and taking staff from acute settings already struggling to meet demand. It really doesn’t matter how many new machines you have if you don’t have extra staff to utilise them. Systems already under strain are now breaking as a result of the extra strain from CDCs. 

 The failure to allocate a budget for extra staffing also has the knock-on effect of no-one being identifiably accountable for addressing the complex organisational and HR issues associated with staff being asked to work across multiple sites. The SoR has repeatedly tried to engage with NHS employers but without success.

Richard Evans, CEO, SOR

Richard Evans, CEO, SOR

 'Hijacked to make political capital'

SoR CEO Richard Evans on CDCs

Unless the staffing aspect of the Richards Report strategy is recognised, the CDC programme rollout will not meet its ambitions. Trying to press on without addressing the staff crisis is not safe. Sir Mike’s report contained a clear, costed strategic plan and a pathway for implementation that would and still could work if it is followed. Instead, it has been hijacked to make political capital.

In some ways, what is happening with the CDC rollout shines a light onto the wider problems in the NHS our members encounter every day. Great ideas and innovation are being undermined by a seeming determination to do things cheaply, in a hurry and without the necessary strategic oversight and accountability. As with the NHS as a whole, it’s not too late to save the CDC project but it requires policy makers to start listening to front line staff.  

Alongside unions and professional associations that champion NHS staff, there are many leaders across the NHS who have great skills, experience, knowledge and credibility. It is time for them to step up and speak up with us and challenge how programmes like the CDC rollout are allowed to be politicised. Ultimately it is patients that lose out and we need to protect services for all. 

As with the NHS as a whole, it’s not too late to save the CDC project
– Richard Evans

Find out more...

CDCs are facilities set up to deliver vital scanning and diagnostic services away from acute NHS sites, and can be set up in a variety of locations, from local shopping centres to football stadiums. 

These centres, which were first recommended by Professor Sir Mike Richards in his review of NHS diagnostic services in England published in 2020, can offer a variety of scanning services, including ultrasound, X-ray, MRI and CT scanning. 

The CDC programme is also being supported by the independent sector, with 13 of the diagnostic hubs being run by private providers, eight of which are already in operation. 

Currently, 127 CDCs are in operation. 

Read the full APPG report here.

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