
Pride and joy

SoR members have been flying the flag for LGBTQI+ rights at Pride events across the UK

The Society ensured that radiographers were part of this year's celebrations in London, Belfast and at UK Black Pride in east London, and President Dave Pilborough happily swapped his suit and chains of office for a rainbow t-shirt.

A double-decker bus was jointly sponsored by the SoR and the Royal Free London, giving radiographers pride of place in the parade across the capital city.

The double-decker bus and team sponsored by the SoR and the Royal Free London

The double-decker bus and team sponsored by the SoR and the Royal Free London

Dave pointing to the SOR on a London bus during London Pride

Dave Pilborough

SoR President Dave Pilborough (pictured above) said the Society’s participation in the event was a great opportunity to connect with the membership as part of his Big Conversation with radiographers around the UK, which aims to find out what they want from their professional body.

“As an openly gay man, it felt like I was really in my zone at Pride – representing who I am as a person and as a radiographer. It was amazing to hear the crowd's reactions, especially from those who noticed the radiography banner! It was indeed a great start to my year at the top of the organisation," Dave said.

“On a corporate note, I think participating in these events, and being seen to be there, is a great step towards achieving our goal of being out there and accessible to all our members. Although it is by no means the last step!”

Amanda holding a rainbow cupcake with the decoration LGBTQ+ flag

Amanda Webster

Therapeutic radiographer Amanda Webster (pictured above) said it had been a privilege to be part of the London Pride parade. 

“It was personally an incredible experience for me, and it boosted my self-esteem and self-acceptance," Amanda said. "I have previously attended the parade but being in it was really special. I was with a fantastic bunch of radiographers, celebrating identities and the progress that has been made in terms of LGBTQI+ rights and visibility. Since we still have a way to go, I hope I can attend future pride parades and be further involved in initiatives to make more progress."

Richard smiling holding a SOR Pride flag, wearing a white t-shirt with pride slogan

Richard Flood

Senior radiographer Richard Flood (pictured above), waving the SoR flag and wearing a t-shirt with the message “100% LOUD, 100% PROUD”, said: “To paraphrase RuPaul, we have to have pride in ourselves to have pride in our profession.”

James holding a LGBTQ+ large flag wearing rainbow sunglassed and colourful shirt

James Barber

James Barber, chair of the SoR’s LGBTQI+ Equalise Workers Group (pictured above), said marching in the London Pride parade with the SoR had been an incredible experience. 

“Joining together with my colleagues to show what a supportive and progressive community our profession is was incredibly important – and having the full support of our organisation, rather than just words, really means a lot," he said. 

“We see so much in the news at the moment about hate and resistance to progress, both at home and internationally. So it has never been more important to be visible as a community to show people that the LGBTQI+ community includes their friends, families, neighbours and colleagues as well as those who are caring for them with compassion, professionalism and expertise during their hardest times. That is the only way we will ensure a brighter future for everyone."

James continued: “It was an incredible success and has inspired us to also participate in Belfast Pride and UK Black Pride at the Olympic Park this year, engaging with our colleagues across the UK, as well as exploring the complexities of intersectionality. It is easy to forget how being part of more than one protected characteristic can lead to much greater impacts on life experiences. 

“We are already excited about how we will continue this momentum in next year’s Pride season, so if anyone wants us to come to a Pride near them, please engage with our group and make your voice heard!”

Pride in pictures

London 2023

Item 1 of 8

Large flags being flewn in the pride parade

Large flags being flewn in the pride parade

Two people holding small pride support flags
Person holding Royal Free LGBTQ+ picket sign
London double decker bus with Pride promotion and  large SOR flag flying
Pride stewards posing for a photo
Lots of people walking in procession in the street with rainbow flags
small pride in the profession support flags
Four people showing their support for pride next to the london bus

Belfast 2023

Item 1 of 7

UK Black Pride 2023 - London

Item 1 of 8

Find out more...
Equalise is the equality and diversity network of the Society and College of Radiographers. To find out more and apply for membership, visit

The Society’s LGBTQI+ Equalise Workers Group is growing rapidly and will soon be seeking a vice chair and a social media officer, who will engage with the relevant teams in the SoR in launching and managing the group’s social media channels.

To engage with the group, email James Barber for an invitation to the forum or sign up via the SoR Equalise web page. The group had its own delegation at the Society’s Annual Delegates Conference this year and will soon be considering motions for the 2024 event. If you have equality-related issues that you would like to be raised, either patient or staff focused, please contact the group.

Image credits: Eva Slusarek

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