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Society calls for members to participate in Delphi study
The Society of Radiographers has asked members to take part in a modified Delphi study.
This study looks to assess how radiographers should evaluate pre-registration diagnostic radiography students going forward. Participants are being asked to commit to completing three online surveys between 5 December 2024 and the end of February 2025.
Each survey is estimated to take 30-40 minutes to complete, with the relevant data collected and analysed following each round.
Delphi studies consist of a multi-stage process, where opinions are gathered and integrated to form a group consensus. This study is ‘modified’ because it will add to the outcome of the scoping stage of the standardisation project.
The study is being coordinated by the University of Derby and Keele University. A final report on the project is due on 15 March 2025. This work is part of the NHS England project which is being led by the SoR
To find out more about participating, click here to find out more details.
If you wish to participate in the survey, click here.
NHS will haemorrhage staff unless pay is restored to match national averages, SoR warns members
Dean Rogers, executive director of industrial strategy for the Society of Radiographers
Dean Rogers, executive director of industrial strategy for the Society of Radiographers
The SoR has told the Pay Review Body that the lack of growth in NHS staff salaries will cause professionals to leave the workforce – unless the government rectifies it.
In 25 pages of written evidence, the SoR outlined how all NHS grades had experienced a fall in pay when compared to average pay across the economy. In the last 16 years, this was 30 per cent less growth than the national average. Graduate-level roles have seen a pay restoration gap of around 20 per cent or above.
Dean Rogers, executive director of industrial strategy for the Society of Radiographers, said these disparities impacted those who were thinking of entering the NHS workforce. “NHS graduates are now among the few in the UK public sector with a starting salary still below £30,000,” he said.
“The average starting salary elsewhere is, we believe, getting closer to £35,000. This inevitably has an impact on the study choices of those considering public sector graduate careers.”
College of Radiographers Industry Partnership Scheme hub launches
The College of Radiographers Industry Partnership Scheme (CoRIPS) Knowledge Hub launched in November. The hub is a resource for members to learn more about research opportunities available within the SoR. Grants given by CoRIPS fund projects that relate to all aspects of radiography.
Available here, the hub outlines the latest news and information from researchers who have benefitted from CoRIPS. Radiographers at any point in their career are eligible to apply for a CoRIPS grant for their project.
Richard Evans, CEO of the SoR, said the hub would allow members to see colleagues’ CoRIPS projects and be inspired by them: “I believe the CoRIPS is one of the most innovative and worthwhile corporate memberships for industry partners, so I hope that SoR members will want to visit the new hub, and see the great work of colleagues and the support from partners.
“And who knows, perhaps gain some inspiration to apply for a CoRIPS grant for their own research idea.”
Sonographer input needed for SoR ultrasound census
The SoR has put out a call for sonographer managers in the NHS and independent sectors to partake in the 2024 ultrasound census.
The survey runs between 1 December and 17 January 2025. Involvement from NHS and independent sector sonographer managers is being sought to fulfil PSA requirements and to get a full scope of the role.
An updated version of the census aims to collect accurate workforce data to support policy development and improve the existing case for statutory sonographer regulation.
Sonographer managers are encouraged to share their experiences, challenges and good practices as part of the census. The survey takes around 20 minutes to complete, and participants are given the option of downloading the survey questions.
Gill Harrison, SoR professional officer for ultrasound, said it was of utmost importance to gather “robust data”.
“With the Professional Standards Authority’s recent assessment of the Register of Clinical Technologists, momentum is building for sonographer regulation,” she explained. “This updated census, with additional questions, is designed to address workforce planning needs and inform policy making.”
Radiographers asked to share experiences in study on shift work and wellbeing
In December, it was announced that radiographers who completed the Initial Diagnostic Radiographers at Work 24/7 survey could begin to share their experiences in one-on-one interviews.
The aim of the interviews is to shape strategies for a healthier diagnostic radiography workforce.
This round of interviews forms part of a research project conducted by Jason Elliott, a lecturer in diagnostic radiography and imaging at Cardiff University. Jason received the College of Radiographer’s Doctoral Fellowship Grant in 2023 to support his research into how shift work impacts radiographers.
Stage one of Jason’s research was completed in 2023. It involved participants completing a survey to look at the benefits and challenges of working rotational shifts. The one-to-one interviews form part of stage two.
Participants have until 31 December 2024 to sign up for an interview. The interviews are set to take place throughout January.
Image credits:
Eva Slusarek
Getty Images
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