October 2024
‘Never give up’ – Helen McNair’s journey to professor

News, views and people
News briefing
A quick catch-up on all the latest news from around the UK, including radiographer burnout and an Exeter university course celebrating 20 years
Use your voice: the radiography students leading the way through podcasting
Synergy learns more about the newly launched Student Radiographer Podcast and its inspiring hosts
‘The NHS Organ Donor Register proves there can always be life after death’
SoR membership services manager Joel Wilkins on how the donation register impacted his life
People news
Latest news from SoR members
Winners of prestigious World Radiography Day poster competition, thousands raised for breast imaging services and more
Profile: Professor Helen McNair
Clinical academic radiographer Helen McNair and her heartfelt message to all radiographers
How an end of cancer treatment ritual impacts patients
Keeley Rigby explains the successes behind her College of Radiographers-funded project
Raising awareness: inside the SoR’s breast imaging group
Noelle Clerkin spearheads the launch of the society's new breast imaging group
Celebrating the London Imaging Academy
Everything you need to know about the London Imaging Academy, founded during the Covid pandemic
Forging a strong network: the SoR Ultrasound Advisory Group
An update on essential work during Medical Ultrasound Awareness month
Get ahead of the game: RCR Global AI Conference preview
Join the SoR at the Royal College of Radiologists global conference
Sponsored content: The importance of MRI safety: a guide for radiographers
Probo Medical UK on the need for MRI vigilance
Join the team! SoR is recruiting for a new head of research and education
Find out more about this exciting opportunity to join the Society and help lead the organisation
Careers and learning
Education, events and new networks
Your guide to all the latest learning and networking opportunities for UK radiographers, from the SoR
Meet the team
The SoR team is ready to help members
Here we provide the full list of SoR contacts ready to offer all the support you need from the society
Synergy October 2024
The Society of Radiographers
207 Providence Square, Mill Street,
London, SE1 2EW
Tel: (020) 7740 7200
Email: info@sor.org
Chief executive Richard Evans
Executive director of finance and operations Dilip Manek
Executive director of professional policy Charlotte Beardmore
Executive director of industrial strategy and member relations Dean Rogers
President Tom Welton
President elect and chair of council Katie Thompson
Vice-president Rachel Nolan
SoR staff contacts and membership
Image Credits:
Eva Slusarek
Getty Images
Haymarket Media Group
Bridge House, 69 London Road,
Twickenham, TW1 3SP
Tel: (020) 8267 5000
Editor Alex Ballinger
Production editor Jo Matthews
Senior reporter Marese O'Hagan
Reporter Will Phillips
Junior designer Holly Bulbrook
With thanks
Photography Eva Slusarek
Editor in chief Robert Jeffery
Managing director Issie Peate
Group business director Sandie Pears
Associations director Anton Riolo
Chief executive Kevin Costello
Contact us synergynews@haymarket.com
Advertising, sponsorship and events
Chris Gault
+44 (0)20 8267 5864
Joy Clarke
+44 (0) 7771 808167
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For all matters pertaining to the Society, including subscriptions, contact The Society of Radiographers, 207 Providence Square, Mill Street, London, SE1 2EW Tel: 020 7740 7200 Email: info@sor.org Haymarket is certified by BSI to environmental standard ISO14001 and energy management standard ISO5001
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