AI in healthcare
Should radiographers embrace it?

AI in healthcare
Should radiographers embrace it?

News, views and people
News Briefing
A quick catch-up on all the latest news from around the UK, including Stephen Fry's support for cancer petition and a pay deal in NI.
Radiography Manifesto
Earlier this month the SoR launched its manifesto setting out a vision for a world-class health service. Synergy explores how radiographers can show their support
AI in radiography
Artificial intelligence is already having a significant impact on healthcare, including in radiography. Synergy speaks to the experts to find out how.
People News
Latest news from SoR members
Gemma Walsh wins ESR award, Eric Onwuharine secures doctoral fellowship, a cardiac lead radiographer retires after 40 years and more.
Mark Regan: Private partnerships
Synergy sat down with Mark Regan, CEO of Kingsbridge Healthcare in Belfast, to discuss the role of private hospitals in radiography
Under siege in Rafah
Radiographer Tamer Ganem, based at the Mohammed Yousef El-Najar Hospital in Rafah, shares his experience of living and working in southern Gaza.
Sign language: An essential skill for radiographers?
Student radiographer Saraaz Khalil is working to spread awareness of the struggles of deaf people in healthcare.
Annual Students' Conference
Last month, SoR student reps and members gathered at HQ in London for the annual student gathering.
A radiographer's experience in Australia
After the stress of working through the Covid pandemic, diagnostic radiographer Charlotte Slater went in pursuit of a new challenge.
'Nothing goes in the bin'
The radiotherapy team at the Berkshire Cancer Centre recently made a significant donation of equipment to a hospital in Ghana.
College of Radiographers: What we do
Marcus Jackson, chair of the CoR Board of Trustees, outlines the work and aims of the College.
Careers and learning
CoRIPS research grants and partnership
The key points on CoRIPS for SoR members seeking research funding or companies keen to contribute.
Education, events and new networks
Your guide to all the latest learning and networking opportunities for UK radiographers, from the SoR.
Meet the team
The SoR team is ready to help members
Here we provide the full list of SoR contacts ready to offer all the support you need from the Society.
Synergy March 2024
The Society of Radiographers
207 Providence Square, Mill Street,
London, SE1 2EW
Tel: (020) 7740 7200
Chief executive Richard Evans
Executive director of finance and operations Dilip Manek
Executive director of professional policy Charlotte Beardmore
Executive director of industrial strategy and member relations Dean Rogers
President Dave Pilborough
President Elect Tom Welton
Vice-President Katie Thompson
Chair of Council Ross McGhee
SoR staff contacts and membership
Image Credits:
shivkantsharma07 / Creatas Video+ / Getty Images Plus
XH4D / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Ian Davies
Kingsbridge Healthcare Group
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Manchester Metropolitan University
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Nazir Ali
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
SAID KHATIB/AFP via Getty Images
Tamer Ganem
Sebastian Reuter/Stringer/Getty Images Entertainment, Eva Sulsarek, Sturti/E+/Getty, helloabc/Getty Images Plus/ iStock, Queen's University Belfast
Julian Dodd
Charlotte Slater
Haymarket Media Group
Bridge House, 69 London Road,
Twickenham, TW1 3SP
Tel: (020) 8267 5000
Deputy editor Alex Ballinger
Junior reporter Will Phillips
Junior designer Holly Bulbrook
With thanks
Photography Eva Slusarek, Andy Brown
Editorial director Colin Cooper
Editor in chief Robert Jeffery
Managing director Issie Peate
Group business director Sandie Pears
Associations director Anton Riolo
Chief executive Kevin Costello
Contact us
Display advertising and sponsored content
Chris Gault
+44 (0)20 8267 5864
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