Ricardo Khine
Serving the profession

Ricardo Khine
Serving the profession
News, views and people
News Briefing
A quick catch-up on all the latest news from around the UK, including SoR CEO meeting Dua Lipa, concerns over the future of cancer care, and more.
Staff shortages and a new health secretary
Dean Rogers offers an update on the latest Autumn Statement, while Leandre Archer highlights priorities for the new health secretary.
People News
Latest news from SoR members
Karl Nottage celebrates 30 years with the NHS, student writers crowned in Insight magazine competition, and Worcester's first radiography students on placement.
Professor Ricardo Khine: An honour and privilege
Professor Khine has spent his career working to better the radiography profession, first as a clinician and now as an educator and researcher.
World Radiography Day 2023
#WRD2023: Celebrations around the globe
On 8 November, radiographers across the world marked the anniversary of the discovery of X-rays. Here’s how SoR members celebrated.
Radiography Awards 2023
The Radiography Awards:
Overall winners
The Society of Radiographers’ prestigious
awards ceremony celebrated the very best of the profession, in an event sponsored by Philips.
The Radiography Awards:
Regional winners
Continuing our coverage from the big night, we celebrate the regional winners from the 2023 awards, and share our photo gallery from the evening.
Voice of the workforce
SoR held its first Rep Summit in London last month. Here's how the event aims to help members.
Extra curricular: Army radiographer
An unnamed reservist radiographer with the Army Medical Services shares their experience with Synergy.
A therapy dog's life
Synergy joins the President of the Society of Radiographers to meet a canine addition to the Royal Free Hospital’s radiography team.
Careers and learning
Improving quality: 2023 in review
An essential round-up from our QI Partners of the resources developed in the past year and what comes next...
CoRIPS research grants and partnership
The key points on CoRIPS for SoR members seeking research funding or companies keen to contribute.
Education, events and new networks
Your guide to all the latest learning and networking opportunities for UK radiographers, from the SoR.
Meet the team
The SoR team is ready to help members
Here we provide the full list of SoR contacts ready to offer all the support you need from the Society.
Synergy December 2023
The Society of Radiographers
207 Providence Square, Mill Street,
London, SE1 2EW
Tel: (020) 7740 7200
Email: info@sor.org
Chief executive Richard Evans
Executive director of finance and operations Dilip Manek
Executive director of professional policy Charlotte Beardmore
Executive director of industrial strategy and member relations Dean Rogers
President Dave Pilborough
President Elect Tom Welton
Vice-President Katie Thompson
Chair of Council Ross McGhee
Haymarket Media Group
Bridge House, 69 London Road,
Twickenham, TW1 3SP
Tel: (020) 8267 5000
Editorial director Colin Cooper
Deputy editor Alex Ballinger
Junior reporter Will Phillips
Art editor Kayleigh Pavelin
With thanks
Photography Eva Slusarek, Wayne Campbell
Managing director Issie Peate
Group business director Sandie Pears
Associations Director Anton Riolo
Chief executive Kevin Costello
Contact us synergynews@haymarket.com
Display advertising and sponsored content
Chris Gault
+44 (0)20 8267 5864
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For all matters pertaining to the Society, including subscriptions, contact The Society of Radiographers, 207 Providence Square, Mill Street, London, SE1 2EW Tel: 020 7740 7200 Email: info@sor.org Haymarket is certified by BSI to environmental standard ISO14001 and energy management standard ISO5001
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